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Ecobags Blog

  • Celebrating Fairtrade Fortnight 7 - 20 August
    August 7, 2020

    Celebrating Fairtrade Fortnight 7 - 20 August

    Fairtrade Fortnight is an annual campaign organised by Fairtrade Australia and New Zealand that celebrates all things Fairtrade. It’s an opportunity for us to celebrate the positive impact that purchasing Fairtrade products (like our Fairtrade cotton bags) has. This year...

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  • 10 tips to help with your Plastic Free July
    July 16, 2020

    10 tips to help with your Plastic Free July

    Plastic Free July is about considering your impact and making small steps towards living more lightly. It’s not about being perfectly zero-waste - for most of us that sets an unrealistic expectation - but there are lots of easy things...

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  • Take the Plastic Free July challenge
    July 1, 2020

    Take the Plastic Free July challenge

    It’s July already! And for those of us concerned with protecting our planet that means taking the Plastic Free July challenge. But it’s not just for hardcore eco warriors – a massive 250 million people worldwide took part in Plastic...

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  • Paper beats plastic
    June 18, 2020

    Paper beats plastic

    The humble paper bag has made a comeback in the wake of last year’s plastic bag ban. You only have to take a stroll through a supermarket or mall to see that paper bags are once again being widely used by retailer and grocers. Let’s take a minute to consider the pros and cons...
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  • Compostable ziplock bags now in snack size!
    June 11, 2020

    Compostable ziplock bags now in snack size!

    Our popular compostable ziplock bags are now available in snack size - so you can enjoy all of the convenience of traditional ziplock bags with none of the guilt. These new biodegradable snack bags are certified for both home and commercial composting...
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  • Fairtrade cotton impact report
    June 10, 2020

    Fairtrade cotton impact report

    We love reading the latest Fairtrade Australia & New Zealand impact reports. It’s gratifying to see that even though we’re just a small kiwi company we are able to directly contribute to making life better for cotton farmers in the developing world...
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