Large compostable bin liners are going green!
Ecopack Compostable Bin Liners in 60L, 80L and 120L sizes will look different going forward. Instead of being off-white, these bags are going green! They’re still made from the same certified compostable material - of the same high quality - just the colour has changed.
Please note that prices and product codes will remain the same.
ED-2060 60L Compostable Garbage Bin Liners - new green stock due in mid-September.
ED-2080 80L Compostable Garbage Bin Liners - new green stock due in mid-November
ED-2114 140L Compostable Wheelie Bin Liners - new green stock is available now
ED-2240 240L Compostable Wheelie Bin Liners - have been green all along!

Shop the full range of Compostable Bin Liners here.