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The versatile life of a little drawstring bag

The versatile life of a little drawstring bag

We are delighted to see so many kiwis using our cotton drawstring bags in a variety of ways. These cute, reusable eco bags are one of the best sellers on our online store (and that’s saying something considering we literally have hundreds of products available!).

So, what makes them so popular? We asked a few of our customers why they’re buying them, and what they are doing with them, to find out…

Gift bags

Fancy gift boxes can be surprisingly expensive - and they’re not as likely to be re-used. So, people are turning to cotton drawstring bags as an eco-alternative. It makes perfect sense. They’re much more upmarket than a paper or plastic gift bag – or a cardboard box. And they’re roughly the same price plus they’re more sustainable too. Even the paper gift bags often feature a polypropylene (plastic) film and/or handles. But our neat calico bags on the other hand are made from unbleached 100% cotton.

“I put homemade soaps in them for Christmas presents. They’re simple but all class. It’s kind of like giving two little gifts actually because I know the bag will go on to be well [re]used too.” - Sarah

Party bags

Kids love receiving loot bags. It’s almost a given that they’ll come away from a party with a few little treats tucked away. But we love the idea of using a reusable, more sustainable option. So, instead of plastic or plastic-lined loot bags why not try using FSC certified kraft paper bags or a fabric bag.

“My little girl loved handing out her fabric party bags. And we even had a couple leftover, which she has put to good use storing her treasures inside.” - Amy

Product packaging

With so many people making their side hustle or creative outlet available to purchase online it makes sense to use packaging that will help your product stand out. And if your product or business wants to demonstrate that they are down-to-earth, functional and fashionable then a reusable cotton drawstring bag might be just the ticket.

“Our keep-cups come packaged in a calico bag. It makes sense as we’re promoting a product that’s destined to be used over and over again so we want to carry those ideals to packaging wherever we can too.” – Mark

These economical, reusable bags can be branded to your exact specifications, making them fabulous merchandise or marketing tools too. And you can sleep easy knowing that our bags are produced in Sedex certified factories.

Available in various sizes, fabrics and natural oatmeal colour or black:

EC-26 Natural Calico Drawstring Bag (Small)
EC-15 Natural Calico Drawstring Bag (Medium)
EC-06 Natural Calico Drawstring Bag (Large)
EC-15B Black Calico Drawstring Bag (Medium)
EC-06B Black Calico Drawstring Bag (Large)
ECV-24 Luxury Organic Cotton Drawstring Bag
EJ-222 Natural Jute Drawstring Bag

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