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It’s Recycling Week: A great time to get schooled up on waste minimisation

It’s Recycling Week: A great time to get schooled up on waste minimisation

Recycling Week is the ideal time to pause and think about how we can all help make NZ sustainable. And encourage our friends, whanau and colleagues to come on the journey too. is a wonderful resource filled with ideas and tips on what can be recycled. On this website you’ll find educational resources for kids, practical tips for households and business, and lots of useful information.

Us kiwis are proud of our number 8 wire practicality and innovation - and our beautiful country - but the hard truth is that we’re not living up to our clean, green image. Compared to other developed countries, we’re falling behind when it comes to being waste-free and sustainable.

Three quarters of the waste sent to our landfills is recoverable. But it needs to be sorted and collected in a manner that enables greater recycling. If you visit you’ll find advice on how to make recycling easy. Because, as the saying goes, sustainability needs to be sustainable for you and me.

Here’s some inspiration and education to tap into this week:

Procurement Monday: When we buy a product, we also buy the waste associated with it…

Waste-free Tuesday: On average we each send nearly 800kg of waste to landfills per annum. Can you avoid using your rubbish bin?

Reusable Wednesday: Are you using a reusable drink bottle daily? What over sustainable substitutions can you make?

Rinse and Clean Thursday: Waste stream contamination is the enemy of recycling and can hijack recovery efforts...

Reflection Friday: Brainstorm within your bubble about what recycling measures you can try…

Spring Clean Weekend: Alert level restrictions have sent many of us into clear out mode! But have you thought about what can be re-used, re-purposed or recovered?

The great advice and recycling insights on Recycling Week are brought to you by the good people at Auckland-based recycling company, Reclaim.

For recycled bags and bin liners shop:

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