Other sources of sustainability information
There are many groups and resources dedicated to improving how New Zealander’s deal with waste. Here are just a few:
Zero Waste Network
http://zerowaste.co.nz/ - represents community enterprises nationwide who are working towards zero waste. Their mission is connect, educate, enable and inspire and to be a unifying voice at local, regional and central government levels.
The Rubbish Trip
http://therubbishtrip.co.nz/ - offer free presentations and workshops to community groups and schools across nationwide about how and why individuals can reduce their waste footprint.
Ministry for the Environment
https://www.mfe.govt.nz/ - one of the more topical issue is around how the Ministry can influence waste reduction with the proposed landfill levy. Read the summary document here: https://www.mfe.govt.nz
Sustainable Business Network
https://sustainable.org.nz/ - a network of NZ businesses committed to empowering and advising on environmental issue.