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How can I tell if my compostable bags are within their shelf-life?

How can I tell if my compostable bags are within their shelf-life?

In our quest to make more environmentally responsible choices, many of us are turning to compostable packaging. It’s a fantastic step towards reducing waste and lowering our carbon footprint. However, there’s an important detail that often gets overlooked: compostable goods have a shelf life! Understanding this aspect can help you make better decisions and ensure that your eco-friendly efforts are truly effective.

What are compostable bags/packaging?

Compostable products are designed to break down into non-toxic components when exposed to natural composting conditions (found either in your home compost or a commercial composting facility). Unlike conventional plastics, which persist in the environment for hundreds of years, compostable materials are intended to return to the earth in a short time, leaving behind only organic matter.

Why shelf-life matters

While compostable packaging is a step in the right direction, it’s important to remember that it doesn’t last indefinitely. Here’s why shelf life is a critical factor:

Degradation over time: Compostable materials are designed to break down. Ecopack compostable bin liners are designed to break down within 90-180 days (depending on compost environment). If these materials are stored for too long before use, they may start to degrade prematurely and compromise the integrity of your bags.

Exposure to elements: Compostable materials can be sensitive to environmental factors such as moisture, heat, and sunlight. Extended exposure to these elements can accelerate the degradation process, compromising the effectiveness of your bags.

How to make the most of compostable goods

  • Check manufacture dates: Just like food products, compostable goods can expire. Always check that the compostable bin liners you are buying are from a fresh batch (manufactured within the last 6 months is ideal).

  • Store properly: Keep compostable packaging in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture. Proper storage can help extend the shelf-life and maintain the bags’ effectiveness.

  • Use within shelf life: We recommend using Ecopack compostable products within 12 months of manufacture date. Doing so will ensure your bags remain intact and perform as intended. Avoid buying compostable products in bulk unless you’re sure you’ll use them quickly.

  • Educate yourself: Be aware that products labelled “plant-based” or even “biodegradable” aren’t necessarily compostable. And even “compostable” packaging such as coffee cups won’t break down well in your backyard compost. Look for home compostable certifications such as those you’ll see on Ecopack product sleeves.

  • Support sustainable practices: Advocate for and support companies that use compostable mailing bags, or other forms of compostable packaging, or who have embedded sustainable practices in their production and supply chains.

  • Dispose properly: Ensure that your compostable goods are disposed of in a facility that can handle such materials. For compostable packaging to break down effectively, it needs to be discarded into a compost heap at the end of its useful life. A compost heap has specific conditions (it’s warm and moist) that helps it degrade. Contrastingly, landfills are kept cool and dry in a bid to avoid decomposition and trap gasses and odours.

  • By understanding the shelf life and proper handling of compostable materials, you can maximise the use of your eco-friendly purchases.

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