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Christmas hours and final orders

Christmas hours and final orders

Thank you for your continued business. We appreciate of all our vendors and customers - big and small - who are walking with us on this journey to create a greener future.

Christmas Hours

Our friendly team will continue to put in the mahi over summer. A skeleton crew will be onsite throughout (on non-stat days) to dispatch urgent and grocery orders. Last working day for the office will be Friday 23 December and we will re-open Monday 9 January.

Final Orders

Please make sure your pre-Christmas orders are in on time to get on the couriers. Last date for South Island orders will be 19 December. Last date for North Island orders is 20 December. If you're in the Auckland region, you will be able to order up to 21 December.

Tips for a Greener Christmas

You know us - we're always trying to think up ways to make the kiwi lifestyle a little more earth friendly. So please check out our blog for a few ideas on how to tackle the silly season safely and sustainably.

We're Just a Phone Call Away

As always, please don't hesitate to contact our friendly sales support team should your have any queries - phone 09 279 9919.

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