Be part of the solution. Start by taking the Plastic Free July challenge.
Let’s be honest - like many people who take on the challenge of living with less reliance on single-use plastic products, we find it a bit of a struggle. And that in itself is awakening!
But the Plastic Free July challenge is not just for hardcore eco warriors. The movement has inspire upwards of 100 million participants in 190 countries. It gives resources and ideas to help you (and millions of others around the world) to reduce single-use plastic waste everyday at home, work, school, and even at your local.
The challenge is not about drastic lifestyle change. It is just about being more conscious of the single-use plastics that you use day-to-day and taking small steps to refuse them. There is no failing with Plastic Free July; anything you choose to refuse is a win!
If you’re keen to take the challenge, make sure you sign up here: plasticfreejuly.org. The challenge is run by Australia’s Plastic Free Foundation and they’ll send you weekly emails throughout July loaded with tips and tricks to get you through as well as stories from other participants. It’s a truly rewarding initiative.
The campaign urges us to see that we each have a role to play in being part of the solution. When you choose to refuse single-use plastic in July it’ll help you find great alternatives – and hopefully form sustainable habits that’ll last well beyond the challenge.
Some of our favourite plastic-free swaps:
- Switch your micro-plastic leeching dishcloths for soft, reusable bamboo cloths
- Refuse plastic produce bags in favour of cute organic cotton string bags
- Keep leftovers and portions fresh with compostable cling wrap
- Swap traditional resealable bags for their compostable snack/sandwich/storage counterparts
If you’re not sure what plastics you can change, take the 5-minute ‘Pesky Plastics Quiz’, which will help you identify where plastics are sneaking into your shopping and everyday life. And for ample advice on how you can reduce plastic waste visit: plasticfreejuly.org/get-involved/what-you-can-do/category/getting-started/
Simple steps to be part of Plastic Free July:
- Notice the plastics in your life. Start by looking in your fridge, cupboards, and bins. You can also take the Pesky Plastics Quiz.
- Decide on one or two items to change and start with them.
- Sign up to the challenge at plasticfreejuly.org
- Receive support via the Plastic Free July newsletters and social media communications.
- Share your resolve and encourage your family, school, community and friends to sign up too.